L A M P E  B E R G E R    P H I L I P P I N E S   


  CHeCK ThiS oUt

ISO 11014-1 certified(1994) – non-toxic, no side effects and non-addictive to users.

Product Liability Insurance – 50 million French Franc

Great Product, Outstanding Reputation

Representing France in all French Government Product Exhibition in the aromatherapy industry.

Founded in 1897 by Dr. Maurice Berger, with more than 100 years of history.

The product’s popularity in France is 70%.

Remarkable results – immediate effects, wide variety of functions (insect repelling, smoke elimination, unpleasant odor reduction, air freshener), highly acceptable and easy to promote

  I N   B U S I N E S S

"Fragrance across Centuries, Trade with Continuity"
such says the founding philosphy of Lampe Berger, and it has been an outstanding brand name for centuries.

The product has existed more than a hundred years and is now available in more than 50 countries in the world including Singapore, Japan and just two years ago, the Philippines. The Lampe Berger aromatherapy health care concept emerged very early in the European tradition, has always been the most favored product and it has become a must in every household.

Improve Air Quality at home, in the office & the Quality of Life...

Stay in good health and enjoy life with
Lampe Berger


1. Replenishes Oxygen
2. Generates Ozone
3. Produces Anions
4. Purifies the Air
5. Freshens the Air
6. Eliminates Dust Mites

Distributor No. PH12002649
mobile +63917 8577506

1. Air Quality Management (natural air purifier & freshener)
2. Environmental Hygiene Management (insect repellant and odor eliminator)
3. Sleep Quality Management(botanical essence treatment)
4. Mood Management (botanical essence – hormonal management)
5. Stress Management (botanical essence - relieves stress)
6. Ambience Management(aromatherapy)
7. Upper respiratory tract Management(physiological regulator and bacterial effect)
8. Immune System Management (improves body constitution and metabolism)   [go top]

Knowing Lampe Berger, Spurring from an inspiration

In 1897, a pharmacist by the name of Mr. Maurice Berger strongly felt that the environment in the hospital was altogether dead and demoralizing. He decided to research on the various objects that could improve on the air and atmosphere. Eventually, the man succeeded in creating a delighting air environment.

Mr. Maurice gathered from various types of herbs and plants an extraction commonly known as the essential oil. The essential oil was kept in specially designed diffuser for aesthetics and practical purposes. He then heated the essential oil with a special catalytic burner that could burn at a heat as low as some 60 degree Celsius. The essential oil evaporated gradually over the heat and released into the air the Ozoalcool Isopropyl Alcohol. The procedure was recognized as a new technology of the era. Hence, it was patented in June 1898. Folowing in the pipeline, it received the National New Invention award offered by the French government in 1901. Even in the 20th, it was still been awarded countless patent recognition. Over the century, Lampe Berger aroma therapeutic product has brought about a great improvement to the dwelling environment, especially in hospitals. It has also become the collection items among the French royalties, artists and individual collectors.    
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Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has origins dating back 5000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians were the first to practice it by using the method of infusion to extract oils from aromatic plants.
Centuries before, aromatherapy was used by the Chinese civilization to India to the Romans who derived its usage by the Greeks. In present day, aromatherapy has experienced a revival as it is seen as an alternative medicine. Though it cannot replace traditional medicine, its holistic properties bring about healing to the mind, body and spirit.
Aromatherapy can lift the spirits. It is known to help depression, frustration, grief, hysteria, anxiety, insomnia and even poor memory. Its medical benefits include alleviating fatigue, respiratory conditions including colds, flus, sore throat, asthma and bronchitis. More importantly, aromatherapy purifies the air, improving air quality.    
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The Lampe Berger Products

Essential Oils
The ingredients of the Essential oils:
  90% Isoprpyl Alcohol
  3%-5% natural essential oil
  5%-7% water

Isopropyl Alcohol
The isopropyl Alcohol is extracted from the beetroots, a plant which can also be treated into white sugar and raw material for alcohol. Isopropyl Alcohol has a natural blending nature and is water-soluble

Discovered by Dr. Maurice Berger, founder of Lampe Berger, over hundred years ago. Dr. Berger came up with an innovative technique, which blended ozoalcool with essential oil. The essential oil with ozoalcool is released by a special catalytic burner at a controlled constant combustion temperature to produce optimum therapeutic benefits of essential oil. These two patented innovations are still regarded as a revolutionary breakthrough in aromatherapy industry.

Essential oils have their natural therapeutic effect. Eucalyptus relieves asthmatic symptom and respiratory canal infection; alleviates bronghitis and flu. Bulgarian rose aids blood circulation, creates a romantic atmosphere. To know more about the effects of the essential oils, click here.

The Diffuser

The Structure
The catalytic burner is produced from a mixture of different raw materials through a patented process and formula. The burner head is porous with the density of approximately 3µm.

The Functions
When the burner head is lit, the wick will first absorb the essential oil. It then stays on the tiny pores on the surface of the burner head due to the hodling tension of the essential oil. The patented catalytic burner's outer ring is made up of platinum alloy and will retain heat up to 500 degrees Celsius while the inner part at 350 degrees Celsius. The inner ring is made up of porcelain mixtures;it is capable of retaining heat at 60 degrees Celsius to allow the essential oil to vaporize without actual heating.   [go top]

The Designs

LAMPE CHEVAL: This Lampe BERGER is made of crystal.
 It is entirely hand made. The right quantity of raw material is carefully taken 
by the picker from the melting pot at 1420 degrees Celsius.
The glass is either transparent like water or amber deep inside to ensure depth
 of colour on all sides of the product.
The master glassmaker gives the first outer shape by twisting the rod. The
 crystal rock is then placed into the mould, where the blower blows into the
 rod the necessary air to give the crystal the right volume. Then the crystal
 piece is taken out of the mould, still held by the rod, still red with fire. 
It then starts cooling off, where the designs gradually appear, giving life and 
colour to the product. It is then taken into the firing area, where it is heated
 at different temperatures to stabilize the crystal.  Out of the 250 pieces produced, 
only 6 is remaining.  There are two colors, Amber(5704) & Frosted(5705).

If interested, TXT or CALL ME NOW!!!
VNO Santos
Distributor No. PH12002649

mobile +63917 8577506
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"Stay in good Health. Enjoy life with LAMPE BERGER, the complete air management and immunity boosting system for Good Air, Good Health, Good Life"
V N O . 2 0 m . C O M @ 2 0 0 1